Monday, January 24, 2011

scrubbing the floors

With the new mother's helper arriving today as well as one of our parish priests coming this afternoon to give our home an Epiphany blessing, I took the opportunity to clean the entire place for the first time since we moved in back in October. Perhaps I can think of the exercise as my pre-Spring cleaning, but I just didn't want anyone to walk into our house for the first time and spy the clutter that inevitably accumulates when one has too many tasks to perform and not enough time and energy to tidy up afterwards.

Even my dresser, with its pile of race medals, 4 year old's coloring endeavours, and 6 month's worth of dust is now glowing. The floors are all vacuumed, the debris from under the children's beds is put away or pitched into the trash bin, and the silver baby cups on the mantel are polished. It is so lovely to have a spic and span environment, I just hope that Tim doesn't expect me to repeat the performance later in the week so he can experience it himself when he gets home from a week away. I have a feeling that after holding down the fort alone will create the atmosphere of too much to do and not enough time that led to the mess in the first place.    

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