Sunday, May 17, 2009

our own personal physician

There have been many time over the past 11 years that I have been spared a trip into the pediatric clinic by getting medical advice from my husband. "Is this cut deep enough to warrant stitches?" (Yes) "Should I be worried about this rash?" (No) This weekend I asked, "Is there something wrong with Julia Ellen's digestive system?" (Not likely)

I noticed on Thursday after I started using the two bags full of cloth diaper liners that Michelle brought me, struck me on Friday after only changing wet nappie after nappie, and concerned me on Saturday when evening came and the child still had not pooped. Now it is Sunday and by the time she went night-night she still hasn't gone. She is happy and belching and "making bubbles" so everything seems to be in working order, but if I didn't have Tim reassuring me that, "there is nothing you can do," I would be hauling her into the ER wailing, "My kid won't go potty!"

I'm quite sure after expressing all this anxiety about the situation she will wake up tonight at 3am with an overflowing nappie, simply to expose me for the Nervous Nellie Mommy that I am.


Maurisa said...

She is probably just fine. All of mine would go several days without "poo" only to have an absolute explosive episode. I believe it is very typical for breast fed babies, especially around 4 to 6 months of age to even go 7 days or more without a BM.

Tracy said...

Eww! I hope the explosive nappie prediction do NOT come true!

Bean said...

Our third baby went a number of days without pooping, I called the doctor and he suggested that I take the baby's temperature rectally, he said it would probably stimulate a bowel movement. And, boy oh boy, did it ever!