Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a beautiful day for baseball

it is very hard to really whack a baseball off a tee in our suburban front yard. It is likely to either hit a car, a house, or go down the storm drain, and the backyard is worse with a narrow yard and a steep hill that goes down to a stream. So after weeks of the kids begging to practice at a local field, I decided that if everyone finished their work and piano before lunch yesterday(very easy since 1/2 the subjects have been finished for the year) then we would gather up mitts and balls and head over for a little hitting and fielding practice.

Of course Will's and Maggie's mitts were missing, as were all of the baseballs ( I have bought about 8 of them this spring) so we stopped at the thrift shop and picked up 5 balls at $1 each and 2 more mitts at about $3 each. Parenting "experts" would tell me that I should employ logical consequences when the children lose their toys and make them work to pay for new ones or make them miss practice, but with 6 kids, how am I supposed to know if they lost their own equipment or a younger sibling simply misplaced it?

Every kid got a turn at bat, but the little ones soon drifted away to play in the gravel or pick "wild strawberries" so Will and I played for a good long time before we ran out of water and finally gathered up our things to go home.

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