Friday, April 03, 2009

rousing the troops out of bed

This morning is First Friday and the homeschool Gregorian Chant choir the two older children attend sings at Mass at 8:00am, which wouldn't be too bad except the church is 45 minutes away. Luckily another mom volunteers to take them, only leaving me to get them up, fed, and presentable by 7:15.

A few weeks ago the group gave a concert in Baltimore the day after St. Benedict's feast day in St. Benedict's Church, which is run by a group of Benedictines- very appropriate! They did a marvelous job, though I don't think Will opened his mouth once and Mary spent the entire last chant trading elbows jabs with the boy next to her.

We had the added excitement of me losing my car keys and only finding them in the sanctuary after begging the gift shop lady to let us back in and praying quite a few Hail Marys. While I can't sing a note without mangling it, chant is a wonderful way to glorify God both in prayer and voice.

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