Tuesday, February 26, 2008

homeschool carnival

The Homeschool Carnival theme over at The Daily Planet this week is political parties. This fits well into my car ride listening the past few weeks (and for who knows how far into the future).

I borrowed all 70 Teaching Company's History of the United States lectures from the library on CD. Right now I am hearing about the aftermath of the War of 1812 (lecture 22). It has been fascinating connecting all the dots I was taught in public school and finding out the causes and effects of policy decisions, elections, and scandals. Whew! I wrongly thought US history was just dry facts about a bunch of dead folks!

1 comment:

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I am trying very hard not be envious of the fact that your library carries those CD's. I was looking at The Learning Company's History of the US, but it is just not in the budget right now and our libraries don't carry them.
