Tuesday, May 08, 2007

weight loss challenge

While I am in better shape today than I have been in 15 years, I would like to lose those last 5 pounds that are keeping me from being pleased when I look in the mirror each morning.
I was known in high school as "the track star" and don't think I weighed over 100 pounds at graduation. College added more than dozen pounds, but then I had to diet to fit into the wedding gown I bought at the bridal consignment store. How could I pass up my dream dress at $80 because it was a little snug?
Every pregnancy since then I have seen gains of 40 pounds, to then lose most of it, just to begin gaining again. After Timmy's birth I was determined to be skinny and fit. I started running and lost all but 5 pounds, but have been stuck here for 6 months. The problem is my diet-I drink at least one Cocacola each day and consume handfuls of chocolate after the kids go to bed.
I swear, on this day I will try really hard, to cut out the soda, to not reward myself with sweets every other day because "I deserve it." When you have 5 little kids the days tend to grind and these little treats are sometimes the only thing that keeps me going. Perhaps one unexpected benefit of our new van is the likelihood that it is too high to fit through the local Burger King drive-thru. But I am stronger than the lure of Jr. Whoppers and chocolate covered raisins.
I have a new goal. This fall is my high school 20 year reunion and, even if I don't go, I want to imagine myself voted "most unchanged" and "most kids" and having all those snobby kid's jaws drop as I glide forward to the podium in a slinky ice blue gown that clings to every curve.


Barbara said...

That's quite a post after yesterday's! Good luck to you darlin'!

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

The easiest way to stop eating at night is to do something that requires your hands to be busy....like knitting or doing a Rubik's cube or playing gameboy (BrainAge is awesome). Lately I've been eating and drinking wine and watching TV. Certainly not a healthy bevy of habits.

Erin M said...

burger king is my downfall too. Good luck!

Robin said...

You go girl - you can do this! I'm in the challenge too - I look forward to reading of your total success in the next few weeks!

Anonymous said...

You can do this!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

Good for you for joining in the challenge. It sounds like you have the groundwork for what you need to do, it's just a matter of hunkering down to shed those last few. YOu can do it!

A Juggling Mum said...

Just popped in to wish you not luck but success with the challenge :)


Rachel xxx