Saturday, December 02, 2006

Our Jesse Tree

Well, I had grand intentions, envisoning a beautiful tree with delicate ornaments hanging from its branches. I had high hopes of children calmly sitting at my knee, each taking turns raising the pictures from the Bible onto the branches, and asking eagerly, "please Mommy I want to hear more stories before we open our Advent calender."
"Get real," I should have told myself.
The kids decided that they would draw the pictures for the tree, so we had 5 ornaments to put on the first night and 6 the second. Each is only identifiable by the owner, "That's an apple! No, it looks like the world." These handcrafted pieces of art are each tied with red ribbon to hang on the tree. The tree itself is made of branches fallen in our yard and spray painted silver. They are sitting in a quite lovely Chinese bowl filled with sand.
As soon as I start tying the ribbon on someone gets distracted by the Advent calenders, one of which is a charming wooden nativity scene that you add a figure to each day. Today Maggie lost the first piece we hung up last night (will Leaflet Missel sell us one shepherd?) Then the commotion grows as they realize that soon, and to them it means now, it will be time for opening the chocolate Advent calenders from the commissary. I lose my temper and threaten, "No Advent calenders if you don't sit down!"
I did buy several Christmas stories at Barnes and Noble today, including Advent Storybook (the link is on the sidebar) and The First Christmas Stocking. A few days ago I pulled all my Christmas books so we have a large stack to choose from, but I always include The Little Golden Book version of the Nativity story each evening. However, I change the part of the angels speaking to the shepherds to read "peace to men of good will".
So, it might not be the most beautiful Jesse Tree out there, and it may not be the calm I sought, but through reading about and creating, and hanging those soon to be dozens of ornaments, we will hopefully see the true meaning of Christmas.
(update: Charlie found the missing shepherd Monday morning)


Anonymous said...

I always smile when you share your real family expereinces...ahh our grand ideas and oohhh how they really happen!

But we get points for trying!

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

This was a beautiful meaning of the Jesse Tree. I'm 10 and my teacher made us do something alot like that