Friday, December 01, 2006

Manners 101

It tickles me everytime I am downstairs on the computer early in the morning and I hear the slap of tiny feet on the stairs. "Why? Doesn't that disturb your only quiet time?" you ask.
Well, yes, but it's because I get to hear Maggie's or Charlie's squeeky voices say, "Good morning... May I please have some hot cocoa (Maggie) or milk (Charlie)?" I couldn't stand it a while back when they would come downstairs and demand me to fetch them breakfast. This way is much more civilized and leaves everyone in a better mood.
I am so glad we have taught our children to say please and thank you, to address other grownups as Mr. or Miss, and to call us Sir and Ma'm. And I am glad we are not the only ones doing it as this article from the Washington Post shows. The key is starting young. Charlie is able to say a lot of words now, but at 2 he is still at the "look Mommy big boat!" "two school bus!" phase. He sounds so darn cute that usually I will give in when I hear "Uce Peas" and pull myself away from the computer to fetch him that juice. My reward? "Tank ewe".

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