Saturday, November 04, 2006

sleep deprived mommy

My former sleep-12 hours-a-night baby has been waking at 3am every night the past week. Both Maggie and Charlie have been waking up and standing beside my bed demanding water (not conveniently at the same time as any of the others). My brain is such mush that while standing in the shower I couldn't remember if I had just shaved both legs or just one.
I did get in my run this morning and am off to buy shoes that actually fit. I've lost 2 pounds this past week so only 12 to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naomi still wakes up twice a night!
Glad to hear that the weight is coming off, but you might want to know that Shayna and Zach always say you look great! :)
Laura D.